Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Piglet Tails

I love piglet tails.  Each time I go to feed the piglets I take a few minutes to scratch them behind their ears, pet them and pull on their tails.  Look at this cute little curled up tail!

I expected a pig tail to be round all the way down like a dog's tail.  I was surprised when I was touching a tail to find that in fact, the end is flattened....like a beaver tail or a fly swatter.  Maybe that is what a pig tail is for:  to swat flies.  What do you think?

 I was also surprised to see them wag their tails when they are happy or excited like a dog does.  (Click the link below to see the video of piglets eating breakfast.  Not alot of tail wagging but still cute little piglets!  I'll update with some tail wagging later!)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A November week on the farm in photos!

Fall is my favorite time of the year and so many beautiful moments at the farm this week!

Here is our big Tom turkey showing his stuff!

Momma hen on an outing with her quickly growing chick.  Notice how attentive the chick is to mom's instructions!

A big morning crow from the Big Red Rooster!

Muddy piglets!  We had quite a bit of rain this week!  The piglets don't mind and their house is warm, dry and filled with straw.

Narragansett turkey hens out for a stroll.

Our house cat, Seneca, posing.

One of our geese.  His head is titled a little as he turns one eye towards the sky to watch a hawk.

Showing the two chicks I'm in charge of the great outdoors.  Scary view of me.  lol.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Piglets shake it off!

Piglets shake like dogs when they find themselves wet or covered with mud.  Just add some rain to their world and you'll be covered in mud too!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Minds of Birds

It's hard to tell what goes on in the minds of birds but there are a couple serious disputes going on today in the turkey yard.
I separated everyone once the commotion started.