Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Daisy, one of our Haflingers

I think Buttercup's mom, Daisy, is such a pretty horse.  What do you think?

Above in front is Daisy and behind her you can see Duke.  Duke and Daisy are trained to pull carts and work together as a team.  Below, you can see Daisy on the left.  She's sticking out her tongue.  And baby Buttercup, Daisy's baby, is on the right.  Buttercup will be 2 in May, 2015.

And one last shot of pretty Daisy...

Monday, December 29, 2014

The Ducklings

I know I'm biased but these ducklings have grown up to be quite handsome!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Farm in pictures!

We had so much rain this week!  We're actually looking forward to some cold weather to freeze the ground.  Love all these animals!  Cherokee, our Naragansett Tom turkey found himself in a fight with his father.  They live separately and were separated before this fight could conclude.

Two of our Naragansett hen turkeys flew out of the coop and while exploring came across a ground hog who quickly disappeared.

The mulefoot piglets were moved from their enclosure where I have been fortunate to raise them from three week old piglets to 14 weeks and they met their family for the first time.  They are loving it- running, playing and exploring.  They love to sniff the other hogs through the fence.

And lastly, we took Traveler and Sassy, our Quarter Horses, riding in Blandy State Arboretum.