Saturday, January 31, 2015

The End of January in Farm Photos

It seemed cold and dreary this week at the farm.  Many of the animals stayed huddled together.  

Everyone in the chicken house getting ready for bed!

This little hen is a guest in the chicken hospital- a straw filled dog crate in my warm office.  She has been keeping to herself and not eating much so I want to keep an eye on her and make sure she gets some extra healthy food and lots of warm water.  Cute isn't she?

Waking up...

A close call with a goose beak..

Couldn't give this chicken a blond wig again if I tried.  What do you think of the look?

My shoulder makes a nice perch.

"It's cold out.  May I come inside?"

Whose print is this?  This belongs to Cherokee, our male (Tom) turkey.

With increased hours of sunlight each day, the hens start to lay more eggs!

"Do you have any food for me?" asks Traveler.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Mystery of the Squishy Egg Solved

Hi everyone!  I few months ago I showed you a video about a squishy egg that I found in one of the nest boxes here at the farm.  If you don't remember that video, you can see it here:
Squishy Egg Part 1: Click here to see the Squishy Egg

It is best to watch part 1 first!

Yesterday, I found another squishy egg and was able to solve the mystery of what might be inside of it!  You can see the video here!
Squishy Egg Part 2: Click here to solve the mystery of what is inside!

Friday, January 23, 2015

A Farm Week in Pictures!

Hello Lucy!

One of my favorite spots on the farm:

My little Roo.

Love the barn with snow!


The geese don't mind the snow and they act as one being:

Getting ready for bed:

A pretty morning:

A gift from a very talented, young artist!  Love this and thank you!

Fluffy has a new spot to lay eggs:

Have a great weekend everyone!  

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Have you ever seen a turkey strut?

Cherokee aka Pop Tart is such a strutter! Ask me sometime where these names came from!

Good Morning Gandolf!

Our Morning Ritual

My daily morning conversation with Gandolf:
Me: "Good Morning Gandolf. How are you? Heard you barking all night. Did you chase away any bad guys?" 
I put down his food, fill his water. Grab him in a neck hold.
Me: "Who loves you, Gandy? Me, I love you. I love you so much!"
Kiss on head and I'm off.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

For the Love of Animals!

How great is this painting of a horse by our young artist, Fiona?  I love, love, love this!  I love the vivid blue eye matching the sky.  I love the bright colors.  I love that the horse has socks.  And a blowing mane.  But most of all, I love that the love of animals is innate in us.

Thank you for this painting, Fiona.  I can't wait to see more work from you!
xoxoxo  Julie

Friday, January 9, 2015

Cold weather friends

My Cold Weather Friends

Even though I know animals are created to survive the cold, I still wake up at night and worry about them.  I listen intently hoping that our Great Pyrenees, Gandolf, will bark on cold nights letting me know he's doing fine.  

We've had a cold snap here in Virginia which had everyone scurrying to prepare for it.  In spite of all my rules about being prepared, I was also scurrying.  The roosters had to be caught and have their combs and wattles covered with Bag Balm to prevent frost bite.  More straw was added everywhere.  Gandolf's house needed additional bales of straw placed around the outside.  Honestly, that big, white dog is made for this weather.  He's happy as a clam.  (Why do we say 'happy as a clam?')  But even in this cold weather, I don't hear him barking much which tells me he's curled up in his den.  I've climbed in there with him and it is toasty warm...surrounded by straw to block out the cold and the wind.  It's a big, straw nest inside.

The geese also don't seem to notice the cold weather.  This morning, they came running out like it was any other day, honking with their big wings flapping.  The only difference between today and any other day is that their pool is frozen and they have to bathe in a small bowl.  

Here are some scenes of our farm animals this morning.  They are smarter than we think!

I wondered about my turkeys.  If chickens can get frostbite, could Cherokee?  His head is actually hot to my touch.

The chickens are smart enough to stay inside out of the wind and sit in a sunny spot.

A goose washing her face.

The piglets do the same thing as the chickens:  stay inside and find a sunny spot to cuddle up with  their friends.

Our animals, including our dog Gandolf, live outside year round.  They have shelters with straw inside available to protect them from the rain, snow, heat and cold.  You can not put a house dog or house cat outside and think they will be ok in cold weather.  They have not had time for their coats to grow thicker and although this is a somewhat innate skill, they may not understand the need to seek shelter.  Please bring your domestic pets inside when it is cold.  :)

Stay warm everyone! 

 Farm Girl!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A snowy, snowy day on the farm!

It is a snowy day here in Northern Virginia.  We don't get much snow so people get excited when we get an inch.  Everything shuts down.  Today, we have about three inches on the farm and it seems only the new batch of ducks is noticing.  They hatched this summer and this is their first snow experience.  They weren't real excited to step outside!

*** I know you'll ask about Gandolf, the Great Pyrenees.  We love this guy and he isn't always locked up.  However, he is an escape artist and a wandering Nelly so until we have fencing that he can't breech, he is locked up unless supervised.  Even then we have to be inside a fenced area of the farm- which is most anywhere- because he doesn't listen to commands.  In addition, he still thinks the chickens are play things.  Not a mean bone in his body but I don't think the birds like being tossed in the air like balls.  Love the guy, but he's an independent spirit.  Sometimes I feel bad for him but I would feel worse if we lost him or if he were run over by a car.  So know he is loved and that he has plenty of freedom.